CRCD Computer Program Code Archive


Engineering Science and Mechanics, and
Material Science and Engineering
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Objective: Download computer legacy programs with sample data & output, PV-Wave procedures,
                   JWave applets, and NPIB1.5 form Java source code.


NOTE: /*.dat links to directory where multiple data files exist.

Microstructures: Summary of all Modules     "LE"=>"Linear Elastic and "FEM"=>"Finitie Element Model"

Continuum Macrostructures:

PV-Wave legacy procedures:
NOTE: Web links to working directories (../MOD_PVWAVE/) where the reader can determine
              how PV-Wave procedures (*.pro) are designed to be an integral part of overall solution.

JWave applet code:

NPIB1.5 form Java code:

Contact: Dr Ron Kriz
Created 1/30/00 | Revised 07/10/01