RESULTS of the "4-Layer Ply-Crack" Problem
Stress Gradients Through the Laminate Thickness
Without a 90 Degree Ply Crack

Check FEM results:lfemi4lnc_mech.out/ lfemi4lnc_therm.out/ lfemi4lnc_moist.out
Check stress average results, savg_stress4lnc.out, plotted below.

NOTE: All stresses are far from the laminate free-edge: N=0 and H=0

Stress Sigma-N Through the Laminate Thickness.

Stress Sigma-H Through the Laminate Thickness.

Stress Sigma-Z Through the Laminate Thickness.

Shear Stress Sigma-HZ Through the Laminate Thickness.

Stress Sigma-NZ Through the Laminate Thickness.

Stress Sigma-NH Through the Laminate Thickness.

Comments / Concerns:

Course content in this section: email Dr. Kriz
Interactive Courseware Development Contact Dr. Kriz
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(Revised September 21, 2000)