Debug of LFEMI with simple examples


Ronald D. Kriz, Associate Professor
Engineering Science and Mechanics
Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University
Blacksburg, Virginia 24061

Table of Contents of WORKING programs:

  1. Out-of-Plane Mechanical Load: Hand Calculation Verification
  2. Moisture Load
  3. Nodal Prescribed Displacement Load
  4. Nodal Prescribed Force Load
  5. Thermal Fixed Node Load
  6. Thermal Free Node Load

  7. Template fortran source and data files:

Objective: Create simple working examples from both a debug and instructive viewpoint.
All examples are based on a simple four-element FEM mesh as illustrated below.

Each of the six debug follow this data format. To try out each of these examples select the example your interested in and an NPIB form interface will allow you access to all files.

Course content in this section: email Dr. Ron Kriz
Created November 1997 / Modified September 17, 2000